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High Commitment High Performance - JáBaixou

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How to create the high-performance, high-commitment organization Integrating knowledge from strategic management, performance management, and organization design, strategic human resource expert and Harvard Business School Professor Michael Beer outlines what the high-commitment, high-performance organization looks like and provides practitioners with the transformation process to help them get there. Starting with leaders who have the right values, Beer shows how to weave together a complete system that includes top-to-bottom communication, organization design, HR policies, and leadership transformation process, and outlines what practitioners must do in HR, structure, systems, goals, culture, and strategy to create high-performance organizations. Michael Beer (Concord, MA) is Cahners-Rabb Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus at Harvard Business School and Chairman of True Point, a research-based consultancy.

Especificações técnicas de High commitment high performance - How To Build A Resilient Organization For Sustaine

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