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A convincing paint finish is essential for any model, be it military or civilian, aircraft, vehicles, figures or even background items such as terrain or buildings - and good airbrushing and finishing techniques can be the key to creating a superior model. Over the last years there have been huge strides made in the development of airbrushes, paints and thinners, and consequently, this book will provide practical information and illustrated techniques to take full advantage of these technologies. Brett Green details the prerequisites of airbrushing, including the different types of spray equipment and air sources available, offering advice on appropriate thinners, paint ratios and air pressures to ensure the most appropriate paint coverage across a range of different airbrushing applications. He then examines various airbrushing techniques across a range of models. Ten step-by-step, illustrated case studies ranging from heavily weathered military aircraft to pristine, high gloss motor vehicles, science fiction models, fantasy figures, groundwork and buildings will complete this guide to getting the best results on your models.

Especificações técnicas de Airbrushing and finishing scale models

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